Need a workout. Consider adding kickboxing to the schedule. Kickboxing workouts combine martial arts techniques with heart pumping cardio for a total body workout.


Kickboxing workouts are powerful reminders of how strong you are and how much fun it is to kick up your workout routine. Kickboxing a great cardiovascular workout of both force and speed, it improves your strength, aerobic fitness, flexibility, coordination and balance.

Kickboxing burns calories through high intensity interval training and resistance, a great workout to help people lose weight or tone their bodies and a healthy way to relieve stress.

best of all it is a fun and effective class,

Do I need to be fit already?

Many first-time guests wonder if the kickboxing classes will be too hard. Any of our classes can be modified to all fitness levels. We encourage all members and guests to take each class at their own pace. We’ll guide you and teach you how to properly kick and punch to prevent injury.


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Common questions and answers we are asked shown here
Self Defence Kerry Kickboxing
Self Defense with Kerry Kickingboxing Club
Self defense and kickboxing workshops
Kickboxing Grading
Kerry Kickboxing Club developing martial artists
Helping students compete at national, international and soon Olympic level.