Kickboxing Grading

Start your journey from white to black belt and beyond with kickboxing. Gain the many benefits of Self Defense, Confidence, Discipline while having fun at the same time.

Grading with Kerry Kickboxing Club

We typically run our gradings twice a year. One at Christmas time and the other at the beginning of the summer. It can take a minimum of eight years to earn the rank of black belt with us. In our grading examinations, all students and examined by 5th degree black belt Ian Kingston.


Our students are examined by the following headings: Dedication/ attitude and attendance (class attendance and effort made in classes) Focus and discipline (levels of concentration in class and effort made on improving technical ability) Upper body strength (push ups) Lower body strength (squats) Core strength (time held performing the plank) Fighting stance Flexibility Kicking techniques Boxing techniques Kata (pre-arranged series of techniques in a movement pattern against imaginary opponents) Self defense Sparring.


Focus and Discipline

Strength and Flexibility


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Common questions and answers we are asked shown here
Self Defence Kerry Kickboxing
Self Defense with Kerry Kickingboxing Club
Self defense and kickboxing workshops
Kerry Kickboxing Club to improve your fitness and reach your goals
Helping students compete at national, international and soon Olympic level.